Pre-Bonsai for sale

The bonsai trees we have for sale in our shop are typically 8+ years old. We typically sell pre-bonsai trees in our shop as well as onsite at our bonsai nursery. The shop is divided into pre-bonsai and yardadori trees.

The difference between pre-bonsai and bonsai for sale, is typically the stage of development the tree is in. For example, we sell pre-bonsai trees when we have done major work on the tree, such as root pruning, trunk chopping, field growing and so on.

Our trees for sale will be clearly marked as “for sale” and “pre-bonsai sale” or “bonsai sale”, depending on the type of tree that is for sale in the shop. If you are not sure about whether a tree is pre-bonsai or bonsai in the store, don’t hesitate to ask.

What is pre-bonsai?

Pre-bonsai vs bonsai, it is all about refinement.

Pre-Bonsai for sale

The bonsai trees for sale in the store have multiple images and a short description. You will also see dimensions for pot and height of tree. We try to put the age of the tree in the description when it’s known. Sometimes, we purchase a seedling or sapling and they tell us the age, and then we add how long we have been looking after it, but this is still only a guide, as we don’t expect everyone to be 100% accurate, so please allow a percentage error.

If you do not see an “add to cart” button then it may not be for sale at this time. £0.00 also means we have not yet added a price and it’s not yet available for sale in the bonsai store.

Learn about some of the larch trees and what we have been doing to them over the last few years.

Need help with your tree?

Our bonsai care guides and Tree Support will help you in looking after your tree.

Not finding what you are looking for?

If there is nothing listed or material you would purchase, sign-up here and we will send you an email when stock is available.