web | video

Web Design

We know that technology is not your thing. It is ours.

We offer a range of web design services for clubs, shows and even the management of members and subscriptions.

Web Support

We manage all the technical stuff, like google analytics, search engine optimisation, SSL certificates, hosting, cookies and more. We can even help you abide by GDPR, setup email, manage your web tech side.

We are here to support you.

Video Editing

We edit your raw footage to create videos for your audience. We can do standard editing, colour grading, sound improvements, and video style and flow. We offer two cost levels: standard and high-end, with the high-end being a full-quality service.

“I have over 30 years of experience in software development. I would love to help you with your tech side because it would allow me to work on the bonsai side.” - Jonathan

An odd combination?

A tree nursery and technical web stuff.

It’s not as odd as you may first think. The world is moving into specialisation.

But there is a real benefit:

As a software developer, I have built batch manufacturing software, content management systems, scheduling and rota software, cosmetic formulations and ingredient databases, commercial property portals - and it has always been “a job”.

On the other side, there are developers who code bonsai and garden-related websites and apps who don’t care about bonsai.

Do what you love.

That’s why I am offering my services, so that I can maximise my efforts and skills together in the vertical industry I care the most about.

Extended list of services

Perfect services for

  • clubs who want a site which accepts club fees online

  • managing of club member details

  • you want a video course filmed and edited and want a payment gateway

  • You want someone to take over and improve your existing site so you don’t have to

  • You want to discover ways your website can start working for you, rather than being a contact form and pictures

  • Lovingly hand-coded websites

  • builders like squarespace

  • CMS’s like WordPress

  • E-Commerce like Shopify or Squarespace

  • Web marketing: Google Ads, SERP, Slick websites

  • Mailing lists, Email templates

  • Copywriting, article editing

  • Image cropping, enhancements

  • Video Editing

  • Membership sites, pay online for subscriptions, take payments

Contact us.